After 12th Arts Course List


After 12th Arts Course List


When you tell people you want to study arts, you might often hear things like, “What will you do with an arts degree?” or “You won’t get a good job or salary with that.” These comments from relatives and others can be discouraging. But don’t worry—choosing the right course after 12th in the arts can lead to successful, high-paying careers if you follow your passion and work hard.


As you finish Class 12, you probably have many questions about your future, such as:


  • Should I specialize now or later?
  • Should I choose a popular or a new, emerging field?
  • What exams do I need to take for my chosen course?

To help you make the right decision, we will explore various courses and career paths in the arts. Let us dive in and discover the exciting possibilities that await you!

Courses after Class 12th for Arts students:


1. Graphic Designing Course 


Graphics and uiux designing course in kolkata

It is the correct time to get into this graphic designing industry. There is huge demand for graphic designers these days. It is a field that allows you to be creative, think strategically, and see your designs come to life everywhere starting from billboards to mobile apps. Along with that you will also get handsome salary as well. And the best way to get into the industry is with the assistance of graphic designing course. This course will equip you with the skills to create visual content that communicates ideas and messages. From graphic designing course in Kolkata you will learn about typography, color theory, layout principles, and master design tools and techniques. As a graphic designer, you could work in advertising agencies, create social media graphics for brands, design websites, or even become a freelance designer and work on a variety of projects. Tech giant companies also need graphic designer for their product designing.

2. 3D Animation & Modeling


learn how to create 3d model

Have you ever dreamt of creating your own animated characters life Wall-E or Pingu or bringing fantastical worlds to life? Then 3D Animation & Modeling is your gateway to that dream! This 3D animation course in Kolkata will teach you how to use specialized tools and techniques to build 3D models, animate them, and create stunning visuals. You will learn about character design, rigging (making characters move), lighting, and rendering (making the animation look realistic). The possibilities are endless – you could animate movies, create video game characters, design architectural models, or even work on special effects for films. This field is perfect for those who love storytelling, have a keen eye for detail, and enjoy the challenge of bringing their creations to life in a digital space.

3. Digital Marketing


Do you love spending time online and have a knack for social media and love to create reels or shorts? Then digital marketing could be your perfect career path! This digital marketing course in Kolkata will equip you with the skills to promote brands and products online. You will learn about social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, email marketing, and even analytics to track your campaigns’ success. As a digital marketer, you could work for a company’s marketing team, manage social media accounts for brands, or even become a freelance digital marketing consultant. This field is perfect for those who are creative, enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest trends, and love the challenge of reaching your target audience in the ever-evolving digital world.

4. Game Designing


AR VR Game Engine Red apple learning


Are you a gaming enthusiast with a knack for storytelling and creative problem-solving? Game design could be your perfect match! This course dives into the exciting world of game development, teaching you the fundamentals of creating engaging and immersive games. You will learn about game concepts, level design, storytelling, and even the business side of game development. Whether it is designing mobile games, console games, or even board games, there is something for everyone in this field. As a game designer, you will get to combine your creativity with strategic thinking to create worlds that people love to explore and conquer.

5. UI/UX Design Course


Do you ever get frustrated using a website or app that’s confusing or clunky? That’s where UI/UX designers come in! UI (User Interface) focuses on how things look and feel, while UX (User Experience) is about how easy and enjoyable something is to use. This course teaches you how to design interfaces for websites, mobile apps, and software that are not only visually appealing but also intuitive and user-friendly. You will learn about user research, interaction design, information architecture, and prototyping tools. As a UI/UX designer, you’ll be the bridge between users and technology, ensuring that everyone has a smooth and positive experience. This role is perfect for those who are detail-oriented, have a knack for problem-solving, and enjoy the challenge of making technology accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Wrapping Up…


Remember, this is just the beginning! These are just five exciting fields you can explore after 12th Arts. The key is to identify your passion and explore courses that align with your interests. Do your research, talk to professionals in these fields, and don’t be afraid to experiment! There’s a perfect creative or tech career waiting for you, so go out there and explore!


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