Student Information
Full Name as per records: | john |
Father’s name as per records: | Moe |
Mothers name as per records: | moe |
Date of Birth: | 02/05/2000 |
Current Address (Complete with Pincode)
Address Line 1: | john |
Address Line 2: | Moe |
Landmark: | moe |
Pincode: | 711125 |
City: | Kolkata |
State: | west Bengal |
Duration of Stay at Current Address (No of Years): | john |
Mail ID: | Moe |
Primary Phone No: | 1234567890 |
Secondary Phone Number: | 1234569870 |
College/Institute Name: | calcutta college |
Course Duration: | 6+3 Months |
Course Fee: | 1.5 lakhs + GST |
Loan Amount Required: | 1.5 lakhs |
Is the applicant earning? | No |
If earning: | Salaried |
Total work experience: | 5 |
Current Company/Office/Self employment details | 5 |
Monthly Gross Income: | 5k |
Monthly Net Income: | 5k |
Upload Supporting Documents:
Aadhar Card: | img1 |
Pan Card: | img2 |
Photograph: | img3 |
6 Month Payslip: | img4 |
6 Month Bank Statement: | img5 |
Admission Proof (Registration Receipt): | img6 |
Co-Applicant/Guarantor (01) Information:
Full Name as per records: | john |
Father’s name as per records: | Moe |
Mothers name as per records: | moe |
Date of Birth: | 02/05/2000 |
Current Address (Complete with Pincode):
Address Line 1: | john |
Address Line 2: | Moe |
Landmark: | moe |
Pincode: | 02/05/2000 |
City: | 02/05/2000 |
State: | 02/05/2000 |
Residence Type: | OWNED |
Duration of Stay at Current Address (No of Years): | 25 |
Permanent address:
Address Line 1: | john |
Address Line 2: | Moe |
Landmark: | moe |
Pincode: | 02/05/2000 |
City: | 02/05/2000 |
State: | 02/05/2000 |
Primary Phone No: | OWNED |
Secondary Phone Number: | 25 |
E-mail Id: | 25 |
Highest Education Qualification: | 25 |
No of dependents: | 25 |
Spouse’s Name: | 25 |
Employment Type: | 25 |
Office/Company Name: | 25 |
Full Address: | 25 |
Landmark: | 25 |
Office phone/mobile no: | 25 |
Current period in business/Job: | 25 |
Designation: | 25 |
Nature of Business/trade: | 25 |
Work Experience (Total): | 25 |
Work Experience (Present office): | 25 |
Gross Annual Income: | 25 |
Monthly Gross Income: | 25 |
Monthly Net Income: | 25 |
Upload Supporting Documents:
Aadhar Card: | img1 |
Pan Card: | Moe |
Photograph: | moe |
6 Month Payslip: | 02/05/2000 |
6 Month Bank Statement: | 02/05/2000 |
Admission Proof (Registration Receipt): | 02/05/2000 |
For Salaried Individuals:
Aadhar Card: | img1 |
Pan Card: | Moe |
Voters id if any: | moe |
Last 6 months pay slip Or, Salary Certificate issued by the Employer: | 02/05/2000 |
Last 6 months salary credit bank statement | 02/05/2000 |
1 copy colour photo | 02/05/2000 |
Reference 01 (Any Relative):
Name: | John |
Relation: | Family |
Mobile No: | 1234567890 |
Address: | 02/05/2000 |
Reference 02 (Any Relative):
Name: | John |
Relation: | Family |
Mobile No: | 1234567890 |
Address: | 02/05/2000 |
For Self-Employed Individuals:
Aadhar Card: | img1 |
Pan Card: | Moe |
Voters id if any: | moe |
Last 6 months pay slip Or, Salary Certificate issued by the Employer: | 02/05/2000 |
Last 6 months salary credit bank statement | 02/05/2000 |
1 copy colour photo | 02/05/2000 |
Reference 01 (Any Relative):
Name: | John |
Relation: | Family |
Mobile No: | 1234567890 |
Address: | 02/05/2000 |
Reference 02 (Any Relative):
Name: | John |
Relation: | Family |
Mobile No: | 1234567890 |
Address: | 02/05/2000 |